International Students


We recognise that starting university and moving countries is a big adjustment, and we want to reassure you that we're here for you throughout this. Below you'll find some useful resources that will help you to settle into living in Manchester. 

You may notice big differences between the way things are here to back home. This is sometimes known as 'culture shock' and is a common experience. Check out this video of some of our students talking about how they experienced this when they first moved to Manchester. If you're finding the adjustment especially hard, remember that there's always support available. 


Practical information

Settling into Manchester 

Building your Manchester community 

Additional support 

We know that it can feel daunting to access additional support sometimes. Some students have voiced concerns that they think accessing support could negatively impact them in the future, but this is absolutely not the case. This worry shouldn’t stop you from accessing any support that you might need and you are always doing the right thing in reaching out.

  • If you’re struggling with settling in to university life and would like to talk to someone, there are lots of different university services and support resources that can help you. A good starting point to find out about these is here.
  • If you’d prefer to speak to someone outside of university, you can also access external services in your area.
  • We recognise that it can be difficult moving to a country where you might not know anyone. An important part of settling in is building your Manchester community, and you’ll see some ways that you can do this above.
  • You can also check out events on the Wellbeing Calendar which is also a great way to get connected.