Students attend Manchester University from all across the country, and many of them commute from home. Each year, commuter students make up 14 - 18% of the student body, and are valued members of our community. The Commuter Hub is a space where commuter students can find support available to them, useful information about travelling to University, and any exciting events or opportunities coming up.
Commuting from home to university may seem a bit daunting at the start and many students are initially unsure of the possible transport methods to get to uni, so we’d like to give students living at home the opportunity to connect with students in higher years who have been commuting for a while.
This is a great opportunity for newer students to have some support, as travelling far to uni can be stressful, and could open up the potential for having a travel buddy!
Dr. Nick Weise - Academic lead for commuter student engagement,
Hello! My name is Nick and I am a Lecturer in the School of Natural Sciences. As well as teaching chemistry and biology undergraduates, I also look at the university’s provision for students who live at home and commute into campus for lectures, tutorials, seminars and other learning activities. I am always interested to hear about the experiences of commuter students from across the institution so feel free to get in contact via email and hopefully I will see you at the events we will be putting on for you throughout the year.
Additionally, you can contact the commuter student society at:
Or follow us on Instagram at: @uomcommutersoc
Commuter Peer Mentoring Scheme Instagram @uom.commuterpeergroup This is ran by the student mentors and coordinators in the scheme.
There is a new commuter space on campus, Booth Street East Building. See the interactive map, building number 26. There is also a commuter lounge in the Dover Street building, (building 70 on the interactive map).
There are lockers for commuter students on the 1st floor of the Students' Union building, on the right near the Advice service and Sports office. See the interactive map building number 68. There are also new lockers in Booth Street East (building number 26), near the commuter lounge.
Here are some links which will give you details of the prayer spaces available on campus.
The University of Manchester Islamic Society prayer room details.
Faith and worship at the University of Manchester details link.
There are commuter newsletters, usually emailed every month. You will receive this newsletter as long as you have shared that you are living in your own or parental / guardian household when you registered.