PGR Wellbeing


Staying healthy mentally as well as physically during your postgraduate research can help you achieve your full potential and, most importantly, enjoy the experience. Your PGR experience should be exciting and rewarding. However sometimes things may feel difficult and overwhelming, and you may find yourself facing challenges you have not encountered before in your academic experience.

The University offers a wide range of services to support your wellbeing and mental health – and they aren’t just for undergraduates. In addition to the specialist support and services provided by the Counselling and the Mental Health Service and the Disability, Advisory and Support Service provided here are resources and information aimed specifically at postgraduate researchers.

The sections here focus on the different aspects of the postgraduate research journey and within each section there are resources and guidance aimed at supporting your wellbeing and further below are details of wellbeing resources tailored to and designed for the PGR community.

Our resources have been informed by the findings of the Research England/Office for Students funded PGR Wellbeing Project, here is a short video update on the progress and impact of this project.

Resources on Wellbeing for PGRs

The wellbeing resources below are aimed at and designed specifically for postgraduate researchers.

The Wellbeing Thesis is a national, open access web resource hosted by Student Minds. You can search for resources, tips, advice and videos aimed at supporting the mental health and wellbeing of postgraduate researchers.

The University's Six Ways to Wellbeing is an evidence-based framework designed to support wellbeing, look at the Six Ways to PGR Wellbeing for ideas on how to implement the Six Ways as you navigate your research journey.

For PGRs who want to maintain their wellbeing but are not sure where to start, the PGR Wellbeing Flowchart helps you navigate the many resources and ideas. The flowchart also signposts to support services for those who need more support.

If you are just starting your postgraduate research programme you may have lots of questions and concerns and feel a little overwhelmed. This online transition module for new PGRs was deveveloped with the input of current PGRs and aims to lessen your concerns and give you ideas on where to go for help if you need it.