Your School will inform you when to undertake course unit selection, where relevant.
This new online system will help you choose the right combination of units:
You can view guidance on how to navigate course unit selection by clicking on the links below:
A video detailing the end to end process of using Course Unit Selection.
It covers planning and enrolling optional classes, viewing a basic schedule and dropping optional classes after you have enrolled.
A guide explaining the basics of how to log in and navigate Course Unit Selection. | |
A guide explaining how to plan and enrol optional classes. | |
A guide explaining how to to check your enrollments and viewing a basic schedule. |
A guide explaining how to drop your classes (courses) after you have enrolled. |
You can access the system once your programme opens for selection – click the “course unit selection” tile in Campus Solutions.
Go to Course Unit Selection in Campus Solutions
Further information about the other tiles on the Student Centre Homepage can be found in this guidance document.
Your School will inform you when to undertake course unit selection, where relevant.
We advise you to choose your units in advance and enrol as soon as possible when your programme opens. You can do all your units at once, or enrol on some and do the rest later.
If any of your choices are popular, you should enrol early or the unit may get fully booked. Once you "enrol" on a unit in the course unit selection system, your place will be reserved.
Joint honours students may have different open dates / times for their two subjects. The units for each one will become available for enrolment when that subject opens.
You can search for more information about your course units at the link below:
There are a few reasons you might not be able to see or enrol on all your available units:
The course unit selection page includes basic timetabling information in order to help you plan your schedule. It should not be used as your definitive timetable, as tutorials, seminars, labs etc will not be included and the locations of your classes are not displayed here.
You should go to for your complete timetable, which will update the day after you have enrolled onto your chosen courses. Allocation to group activities such as tutorials needs to be organised by School staff and will take a little longer to update in your timetable.
If you’re having trouble logging into University services it may be that your password has been reset. Find out what to do here.
The system will show an error message if you choose a combination of units that isn't allowed (e.g. it doesn't meet your course requirements or it has a timetable clash). The course unit selection guides above explain how the system works and what the error messages mean.
If you need further help during course unit selection, you can contact us:
Alliance Manchester Business School
School of Arts, Languages and Cultures
School of Biological Sciences
School of Engineering
School of Environment, Education and Development
| |
School of Health Sciences
School of Medical Sciences
(PGT only)
School of Natural Sciences
School of Social Sciences