If you find that you are feeling very distressed and the pressures upon you seem overwhelming, you may start to experience a sense that things cannot get better. People do sometimes experience thoughts that life is not worth living and can think about - or start to consider - suicide. Here is some more information about suicidal thoughts.
If you are feeling like this and feel you may not be able to keep yourself safe, then it is time to get immediate help as there will be a way that things can get better.
You can access support and urgent advice in a range of different ways including:
Accident & Emergency (A&E): A&E are available for all health crises, including those related to mental health. A&E departments across the UK have dedicated mental health liaison teams. It can feel quite daunting going to A&E, but the mental health staff there will give you time to talk through your difficulties and will aim to find a plan that will work for you. Do not hesitate to contact emergency services (999) or attend A&E if you feel like you are at immediate risk or feel unable to keep yourself safe.
You can find your nearest hospital here. The nearest A&E unit to The University of Manchester is Manchester Royal Infirmary.
All emergency services (police, fire, ambulance) can be contacted by calling 999.
For urgent help on campus you can contact University Security on 0161 306 9966. Security staff are first aid trained and can provide assistance in the event of an emergency or other incidents.
Alternatively, use the SAFEZONE app which will alert Security to an emergency or the need for first aid support.
If you need help whilst staying in univeristy halls of residence please contact your ResLife team.
If you are feeling very low, distressed and/or are experiencing suicidal thoughts and you need to talk to someone out of hours, you can ring any of the following services (most of which are free of charge):
Health Assured 24/7 Helpline: Freephone 0800 028 3766. For more information, visit: www.studentsupport.manchester.ac.uk/taking-care/mental-health-helpline/.
The Samaritans 24/7 Helpline: Freephone 116 123. For more information, visit: www.samaritans.org/.
Greater Manchester Mental Health 24/7 Helpline: Freephone 0800 953 0285. For more information, visit: www.gmmh.nhs.uk/crisis-care.
Papyrus Helpline: Freephone 0800 068 4141 (9am - midnight). For more information, visit: www.papyrus-uk.org/.
Crisis Point is a mental health crisis support service provided by Turning Point for people who identify themselves as experiencing a mental health crisis, but do not require immediate medical assessment. It is run by experienced Recovery and Peer Support Workers and support is tailored to the emotional needs of the individual. Students / residents of Manchester can self-refer for drop in support for up to five sessions over ten days OR phone support for up to ten days.
Crisis Café at No.93 is an out of hours friendly and supportive community space open to anyone from Manchester, Bolton, Salford and Trafford experiencing a mental health crisis. It is run by Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. Their aim is to offer support and advice from qualified Mental Health Practitioners and support staff in a relaxed and comfortable environment, avoiding long waits in Emergency Departments.
Please phone ahead to these services before dropping in.
The Samaritans (www.samaritans.org) have an informative website including things that might help when times are tough. As well as being contactable by phone, they are also contactable via e-mail jo@samaritans.org This has a 24 hour response time so is not as fast as telephone contact.
Students Against Depression (www.studentsagainstdepression.org/) This website contains useful resources in helping to understand and cope with a range of mental health difficulties.
Qwell provides free, safe and anonymous online mental health support whenever you need it: www.studentsupport.manchester.ac.uk/taking-care/qwell/
If you are concerned for someone you know who may be at risk to themselves or may be extremely vulnerable, then the information at Papyrus may be useful.
Health Assured can also offer advice if you are concerned about someone. Freephone 0800 028 3766.
You can downloand the Universty's SafeZone app to quickly get in touch with University security services in case of emergency or if in need of medical assistance whilst on campus.
The Counselling and Mental Health Service offers confidential help to all students and staff seeking support. If you are struggling with your mental health, talking to somone else can really help.
Whilst not an emergency service, you can report acts of harassment, discrimination or hate via Report and Support. Report anonymously or report and get support from an advisor.