Examination boards

Every year our examination boards discuss and approve assessment outcomes. They review any circumstances that have affected either individual or groups of students and take appropriate action to address these.

  • The unit lead and internal moderators will compare the whole cohort with units from previous unaffected years to see if the units are impacted, then report this to the examination board.
  • An independent external examiner together with the exam board will review this process, enabling comparison across whole programmes and cohort levels.
  • The examination board will action decisions of the mitigating circumstances panels, who make recommendations regarding programmes and whole cohorts or individual requests for mitigating circumstances.
  • Following the School examination board, there will be an additional Faculty examination board - a further check on individual modules and consideration of student performance.
  • The final stage of the process is a review at a University examination board. This will review the work of the Faculty examination board and ensure comparability in student performance across our three Faculties.