We offer three travel awards annually for students wishing to travel either as part of their course or during our vacation periods. You only need to apply to the one award you feel is most appropriate. The panel assessing applications will still consider you for others if they feel your travel plans better fit their criteria.
Awards from the Zochonis Special Enterprise Fund will be made to assist with the cost of a project or special study which demonstrates enterprise or originality of thought in planning and execution. You can apply if you are currently registered with us. We can also accept group applications.
The purpose of the H.E. David Scholarship is to foster international understanding and goodwill by enabling you to travel and study in foreign countries. You can apply if you have graduated within the last three years, or if you are currently registered and have completed at least two years of study. We can also accept group applications.
The purpose of the Pawel Koprowski Award is to support your vacation activity. It may be used for a purpose which will enhance your studies or for a holiday as long as this does not include attendance on a course at another university. You can apply if you are currently registered as an undergraduate and have completed at least two years of study.
If your application is successful you will be required to submit a report to the Student Services Centre within 3 months of your return (e.g. before November if your travel takes place in the summer). The report must be no more than 1,500 words and written in non-technical language on their project or special study while abroad. Photographs can be included. A proportion of the award (£50, or 10% of the award if total award exceeds £500) will be withheld until we receive the report (the remainder of the award will be forfeited if we do not receive the report within this timescale). A sum of £600 is set aside for the award of prizes for the best project or special study reports (£200 for Best Report and £400 to be split between up to 4 other deserving reports). You can view examples of previous reports here: