Your Student (formerly Tier 4) visa allows limited working rights in the UK. You must ensure you remain compliant with the working restrictions of your visa which are set out on both your BRP and in your visa application decision notice.
As your work rights are connected to your status as an active full-time student, if you withdraw from your course early or otherwise interuppt your studies then you must stop working immediately and refrain from carrying out any further work whilst you are still in the UK.
For more detailed information on working conditions, working hours and the types of work you can undertake, please refer to our guidance document below:
Guide to Student and Tier 4 Visa Working Conditions
The amount of hours you can work per week depends on the level of study you are undertaking:
A week is defined by UKVI as a 7-day period starting on a Monday and ending on the following Sunday and your weekly limit includes any paid work, unpaid work, voluntary work and internships. You must not work beyond your permitted working hours or carry out any prohibited work. Breaching your work conditions can result in cancellation of your visa, fines and/or a ban on entry to the UK.
If you think your work conditions are incorrect then please contact the Student Immigration Team and we can confirm this for you.
You can work full-time during vacation periods and after you have completed your course of study.
The periods you are considered to be outside of term time depend on your level of study:
You can work full-time during vacation periods according to the University’s official vacation dates, including Christmas, Easter and Summer. You can work full-time once you have completed your course in full, meaning all assessed coursework and exams.
You can work full-time during the Christmas and Easter vacation periods but not during the summer as you should be working full-time on your dissertation. You can work full-time once you have completed your course, meaning you have finished all taught components and submitted all assessed work, including your final dissertation.
You cannot work full-time during the standard University vacation periods, but you are permitted a maximum of 8 weeks’ vacation period each academic year as agreed with your supervisor and recorded by your department/school. You can work full-time during these vacation periods, but only up to 8 weeks per academic year. You can work full-time once you have completed your course, meaning you have submitted your final corrected and approved thesis via eScholar.
The University's Careers Service has produced useful guidance on answering job application questions such as 'Do you have the right to work in the UK?'
Visit the University's Careers Service for information on part-time job vacancies and work experience opportunities.