The undergraduate Manchester Bursary, Foundation Year Bursary and Access Scholarship are paid in instalments:
Postgraduate monthly stipend payments are due on the first of each month. You should take this into account when setting up direct debits and standing orders, even though you may receive your monthly payment a few days early (e.g. your July stipend payment will go into your account at the end of June). You can review more details on how your award will be paid on the Award Payment Dates page.
All other payments are paid within 10 working days of them being assigned on your Student System record.
You can check if you have been awarded a bursary/stipend and the payments dates on the Student System (follow instructions in yellow box below). Please note the dates are in American format MM/DD/YYYY.
It is essential that UK bank account details are entered so we are able to process your award.
To change the bank details that you will be paid financial awards to please complete our online enquiry form requesting for this to be done.
Need further help? Submit your query using our online enquiry form.