1. Ensure you complete the online declaration when applying to Student Finance. You can check if it’s been processed from your online Student Finance Account – your application will show as ‘Approved’.
2. Ensure you have entered your bank details and National Insurance number on your Student Finance online account. You can check or update these by following the link above and clicking ‘Update My Details’.
3. We confirm your registration to Student Finance. You must be fully registered to enable us to do this.
4. You will receive your Student Finance loan instalment into your bank account within 5 working days of us confirming your registration.
If you have still not received your payments after these steps, please contact Student Finance directly:
Student Finance England: 0300 100 0607
Student Finance Wales: 0300 200 4050
Student Finance Northern Ireland: 0300 100 0077
Scottish Awards Agency for Students: 0131 476 8212