Support available


It doesn’t matter whether the issue is current or historical, or who the perpetrator is, we can support you.

How we work with you and what you can expect

Our service is client-centred, which means that we are led by the students we work with and you retain control and direction over any action taken. We will seek to understand your situation and aim to give you information, advice and support tailored to your individual circumstances.

We recognise the impact that trauma has and the ways in which trauma responses can manifest. Our practitioners work in a trauma-informed way, meaning we prioritise safety, trust, collaboration, choice, and empowerment in our interactions with you. 

We are a confidential service and any information disclosed to the team is treated in complete confidence and in line with the Campus Life Confidentiality Policy.

We strive to ensure our service is accessible and inclusive to all students regardless of race, age, gender, religion, disability, sexuality, or other factor.  We work to make all students feel safe and comfortable in coming to us and this includes being able to request a certain type of advisor, for example, a woman or person of colour.  

We will work collaboratively with you, seeking to empower you to find your own solutions and take control over what happens next.  We also work closely with other university support services and departments as well as external specialist services to ensure there is a holistic approach to your support needs.  

We recognise that many of the students we work with have been impacted by trauma and accessing timely advice and support is vital for your safety and wellbeing. Students working with a caseworker can always expect a response from us within 2 working days.

Speak to caseworker

You can either fill out the form, or someone you can do it on your behalf it you would like. You, or the person reporting can make special requests for a certain type of advisor, for example if they wanted to speak to a female, or a person of colour. The last page of the form will ask for details of who we should speak to about this report.

All reports come through the system and an email is sent to the Report and Support administrators. Student cases are assigned to the Advice and Response caseworkers, taking into consideration any special requests made on the form.

Advice and Response will reach out to you using the contact details shared on the report. This will usually be by email in the first instance, but will also try by phone you if we receive no response/if a number is shared. We will usually then arrange an appointment to discuss the report further and find out what you need.
Our service is client-centred, which means that we are led by the students we work with and you retain control and direction over any action taken. We will seek to understand your situation and aim to give you information, advice and support tailored to your individual circumstances. 
The investigation will involve a staff member being assigned to investigate and meet with relevant parties to assess what has happened. We would investigate neutrally, aiming to find out the facts of the case, and will be looking for information that shows that it is more likely than not for an incident to have happened. This may come from a respondent admitting the incident, or for witnesses to have supported an individual's statement. For severe misconduct, it may be that the investigation will result in a referral to a University Disciplinary Panel or Summary Disciplinary Panel.
At the end of the investigation, you will be notified as to whether your complaint has been upheld, and the case if proceeding through a disciplinary process

Click here for more information about reporting