NHS Bursary payments

  1. Ensure your bank details and National Insurance number are saved on the BOSS system.
  2. Complete University registration in September, and collect your Student ID card.
  3. We confirm you are in attendance to NHS Bursaries, and your first bursary payment will be made within 10 working days.

First year students: The first NHS Bursary payment will cover the first two months of training, so you will receive one larger payment in late-September/October and then your next payment on the third Friday in November. Subsequent payments will be made on the third Friday of each month.

If you are interrupting, withdrawing, or returning to study after a leave of absence, your School programme administrators will contact NHS Bursaries to inform them of this change to ensure your bursary payments are stopped/re-started.

For further information please call NHS Buraries directly on 0300 330 1345 or refer to the NHS Bursaries website.

NHS Bursary information and advice

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